Kind words from people with whom I have had the fortune of collaborating …

  • “Federico was hired to produce and direct a newly created one-hour series for Discovery Channel. The show had to be developed and implemented from the ground up, including the opening graphics and music, scripts, oversight of the production of documentary shorts included in each program, selection and direction of talent, set design and build-out, and the direction of three separate versions of each episode (in Latin American Spanish, Castilian, and Brazilian Portuguese, with a different presenter for each version). This entire production was managed and implemented by Mr. Capulino - not only to the channel's satisfaction from a qualitative standpoint, but also under budget.”

    — Kelley M. Nichols - VP Warner Bros. Pictures Intl. - Los Angeles

  • “I had the pleasure to work on Federico's team for the National Geographic Channel's show, "Ultimate Factories". It was a true joy to learn and work with Federico. He is a consummate professional on every level and intuitively knows how to deal with the myriad of problems that come up on the job, on location. We worked very hard, accomplished everything and more from a voluminous checklist he created and maintained, and had fun while creating some art along the way. I never saw Federico get angry or blow up when things went awry. On the contrary, Federico deftly handled any controversy and always had a true smile. He is a very detail-oriented Producer/Director, yet knows when to let go of some things or change the game plan to maximize the show's potential, interest and integrity. I will work with Federico on any project, in any location, at any time. I will trust him with my life.”

    — Scott Stender - Director of Photography - San Francisco

  • “Federico is an extraordinarily gifted Producer/Writer/Director whom I personally have learned a great deal from. He deserves the lion’s share of credit for creating FishBowl’s UGC team’s culture, as well as our creative and editorial vision. As Lead Creative Producer for our service to Disney on the Let the Memories Begin project, he chiefly designed the systems, tools, processes and protocols, and trained our entire team. He is extremely detailed oriented and yet can instantaneously switch back and forth from micro to macro perspectives. He’s exceptional in the context of achieving and surpassing goals, and always exceeding expectations – continuously optimizing everything (in the profound spirit of Kaizen). He sets the standard to which our team aspires. “

    — Bayard Jones - VP Vin Di Bona Productions - Los Angeles

  • “It was a pleasure working with you. You are very professional, extremely detailed oriented, excellent at delivery of goals and of exceeding expectations. Finally, and most importantly, you are just a very nice, warm person, who clearly has his priorities in line. I hope to one day find myself working with you again or at least get the opportunity to shake the hand of a person I admire and greatly appreciate in helping us with the Castle Projections project.”

    — Brewer Lister - Global Campaign Integration Marketing Manager The Walt Disney Company

  • “Thank you for building our UGC system. It is integral to the success of our new campaign. We admired your ability to devise solutions to complex problems and your wonderful spirit. You will be missed. It is our hope to collaborate again soon.”

    — Kevin Young - Global Broadcast Content Director Disney Destinations Marketing - The Walt Disney Company

  • “As a documentary writer and director, Federico is one of the best in his field - a stickler for accuracy (no mean objective), which makes him someone scientists can trust their work to, and a gentle guider of non-screen stars into an easy on-camera performance. With these professional attributes and his ranging personal curiosity in the riches of all the arts and sciences, I not only look forward to working with him again and count him a friend as well as colleague.”

    — Dee Breger - Director of Microscopy & Research Professor Drexel University - Philadelphia

  • “Federico's creative acumen allowed him to consistently deliver to the client (The Walt Disney Company) the images they were expecting and wanted, almost as if Federico could read their mind. His understanding of visual grammar is such that his selections were - time after time - not merely big picture moments, but the precise shots and inserts the client would require to communicate its message. His commitment to excellence and hard work was in evidence every day, not only through his daily conduct, but also through the protocols he designed to make sure that excellence would transpire through his entire team - at every step - all the way to delivery.”

    — Jose J. García - Clearance Manager Attorney FishBowl Worldwide Media, Inc. - Los Angeles

  • “I worked with Federico on a documentary (for The History Channel). I was one of the scientists who was being documented. Federico was a pleasure to work with. He has an excellent technical background and understands data. He is also good at bringing out the best performance from his subjects. He asks interesting and penetrating questions. He is the only documentary producer I have worked with who had the expertise and curiosity to use an online modeling program for extraterrestrial impacts. I would gladly work with him again. He understands and can perform all aspects of the business: from camera work to sound work to script writing to directing.”

    — Dallas Abbott, Ph.D. - Research Scientist Marine Geophysicist LDEO Columbia University - New York

  • “I greatly admire your professionalism and your dedicated approach to a fair and informed treatment of the work of the Holocene Impact Working Group, the general topic of comet impact, and the scientific milieu in which we work. I think that Federico has done a marvelous job of pulling together this topic ... excellent and provocative script.”

    — W. Bruce Masse, Ph.D. - Environmental Archaeologist Los Alamos National Lab - Los Alamos NM

  • “Federico helped me launch the technology competition “Call to Innovation”, in which the brightest Spanish entrepreneurs competed with each other with their ideas to use technology to solve Spain's biggest challenges. He was not only a fine member of the jury, but also an important player in the successful launch of the competition. In this context, he showed not only a broad knowledge on how technologies are disrupting all industries, but also a deep expertise in designing and managing complex projects.”

    — Juan Martínez-Barea - CEO of Universal Diagnostics Spain & Ambassador Singularity University US

  • “I'm very pleased to recommend Federico. He's the consummate media professional: multi-skilled, determined, resourceful and yes, talented. I enjoyed working with him both as a colleague when we taught together at the EFC, and also in the field working on productions. He's got an affinity with people and has always been well liked by those that come into his orbit.”

    — Simon Nasht - Executive Producer Smith & Nasht - Australia / European Film College - Denmark

  • “You have been one of the best producers we've come across. I appreciate you taking the time to coach the interviewees and help them communicate their science and research in a clear and concise manner. I hope you will come back soon sometime.”

    — Kathy DeLucas - Laboratory Communications Los Alamos National Lab - Los Alamos NM

  • “Federico mentored me on a documentary project through the NALIP Producer's Academy. His insight, patience, thoughtfulness, and ability to understand the scope and possibilities of the project were key in its development. He remains a tremendous value and asset to my work with Going Home Pictures, and I look forward to his expertise and insight on future projects.”

    — Kirk Jackson - Owner Going Home Pictures - Director or Media Team Rubicon, Inc. - Los Angeles

  • “Federico is a very engaging and thorough producer. He leaves no stone unturned in the process of development and execution of his subject matter. His passion for material is quite evident and the final product is a cut above expectation.”

    — Peter J. Hankoff - Producer-Writer-Director Creative Differences - Los Angeles

  • “Thanks so much for being part of our campaign. We truly could not have accomplished this without your creative vision and tireless work ethic.”

    — Matt D. Ryan - Content Planning Director Disney Parks Experiences & Products - Florida